English: Stop Cough and Arrest Wheezing Pills
Also Known As:
Pharmaceutical Latin
Pin Yin
Hb. Ephedrae Ma Huang 3-10g Releases the exterior, disperses Cold, unblocks and descends Lung Qi, warms and disperses Cold pathogens and stops wheezing.
With Xing Ren for Wind-Cold cough and wheezing with copious sputum due to congested fluids.
With Shi Gao and Xing Ren, for coughing from Heat Obstructing the Lungs with wheezing, flaring of the nostrils and fever.
Sm. Armeniacae Xing Ren 3-12g Stops cough and asthma, resolves Phlegm and assists Ma Huang in arresting wheezing and expanding the Lungs.
With Ma Huang and Gan Cao, for coughing with profuse sputum, nasal obstruction and a hoarse voice.
With Ma Huang and Shi Gao, for coughing, thirst and wheezing due to Excess with Lung Heat.
With Ma Huang and Shi Gao, for coughing with profuse sputum, nasal obstruction and a hoarse voice.
Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao 3-6g Resolves Phlegm, stops cough, clears Heat and moderates and harmonizes the harsh properties of other herbs.
With Ma Huang and Xing Ren, for coughing or wheezing due to Wind-Cold Attacks the Lungs.
Gypsum Fibrosum Shi Gao 15-60g Clears Excess Heat from the Lungs.
With Ma Huang, for coughing from Heat Obstructing the Lungs with wheezing, flaring of the nostrils and fever.
With Ma Huang, Xing Ren and Gan Cao, for Lung Heat with coughing and asthma.
  • Expels Wind
  • Transforms Phlegm
  • Clears Lung Heat
  • Unblocks Lung Qi
  • Qi Stage: Lung Heat
  • High fever
  • No chills
  • Aversion to Heat
  • Cough
  • Asthma
  • Restlessness
  • Thirst
  • Dark yellow urine
  • Dyspnea
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Thick yellow Phlegm
  • T: Red
  • C: Thick and yellow, maybe dry and sticky
  • P:  Rapid, maybe slippery, maybe forceful